It's official, Mt. Redoubt finally hit us. Eruption began last Sunday with multiple explosions in ensuing days/nights. Because of wind direction and the height of the explosions we've missed all the ash action. Thursday we got word that we would be the receivers of all the excitement. The largest explosion of 65,000 feet had occured and apparently the wind was pushing it our way. We never got ash that day. I really thought we were in the clear. I was wrong. Yesterday there were 3 eruptions and the second one sent the ash to us. It took the ash 2 hours to travel 110 miles. Mike and I and gone into Sam's Club to make some purchase's. We were in there no more than 30 minutes when we walked out and it's raining ash. Mike ran to Schuck's Auto to get air filters and I ran to work to cover all of the computers. It reeked outside of Sulpher. I later learned that the amount that fell was no thicker than a dime, but it's still enough to be concerned about. The Anchorage Airport has completely shut down. Prior to that it was at each airlines discretion of whether they flew or not. The last time the volcano erupted was in 1989. Volcano followers believe that because of it's history the volcano is likely to continue to erupt for atleast another 2 weeks, if not longer, which could very well hinder my vacation plans to sunny California. I'm most concerned about this. I've been counting down the days until visiting family, warm weather, shopping, roller coasters, In-n-Out and Olive Garden. I'm not going to be all that ecstatic if I have to reschedule. I guess only time will tell. Until then we will focus on not breathing the ashy fumes!
13 years ago
That is pretty crazy! Hope you make it to California.
You covered the computers at work? Are they outside? When are you going to be in CA?
No...but ash gets inside!! We leave here on the 10th of April. You going to be there?
Weird! Crazy how it gets into everything. Sounds kind of exciting, though. Makes for an eventful day. :)
And, by the way... a moose? Outside your work? That is sooo cool!
I would have been there but my brother in law actually took that job. I'm assuming you never made it back?
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